Monday 1 August 2011

Ground Zero

Big penthouse and the garden chair on the three shape of patio’s con. The table full with PC and Samsung touch screen tablet, which is brand new version. Touch screen monitor, depend on your right’s finger. Excite me but its so cruelty mind and wrong set up on   hi tech’s design’s plan to following years, I am not sure a hundred percents good or people don’t bless it. What is happened with external mouse? What is wasted a time to change a human intelligent behavior. No sense at alls, friends what we need its something a very clean of a technology and use full of a scholarship’s environmental. It is meaning of the society life. Culture of the independency of groove a futuristic style in media of electronic and humanize. The connection of human and electronic hardware, wait to a right time and the time will to come up with the greatest of right feature’s compensation and intelligent wares. Price is reasonable to all of people, in rich or poor as we could to stay in togetherness a peaceful and the silicon view in twenty decade. Agree or not understanding, a sign to compose each others to follow some more years in a future. The secret of a skill group and more utilities of items will be come up to our rooms at home.

Battle era of the new regime
Without clues of a human right
The ladies talked about them
Conspirator of the bad behavior
The gentlemen’s wanted them
Killing fields to a million reposition
What’s you are a looking for
Just emptiness and so long
You don’t have a heart of its
Shameless with big ground zero
Thanks a lot of a bad education
Passing away of the old times
Talked is a cheap and walked a death man
We shut off the danger virus democrat ions
Word is sold out, and no need to learn hard its
All of above info have been in a tablet screen in its.

Big tall of a monument sites and the soto kikil international franchise black market food, a fatty government’s slave who is Mackellar of a primitive oil and gas user and seller. They talked about a business, it is better to talk about a war with us. No a place to hide, we grand nominal a money paper and bounces electronic plastic cards, not to worry. It is just a low and poor management of the nation government ideas whom give a royalty to people living which it isn’t finding an equal sum to at alls, waste it faster which seem to like a dinosaurs disappear. Please no a grave stone for us alls, and no give a man order to protect and serve whom are wearing a bullshit uniform, an ugly standing and a moving storage a just like a recycle dump palace of the roman gladiators fighting equipments which was big and no art culture on its. Cool heart, playboy talks and smile childish like a six years old kids. Ahoy…… where have you been darkling, what we need just a pair of the God. Could you give them to me? Impossible or could not make sense. A God is poor now, we need something rich on text but undestroyable on our mind and behaviors to continues living like a human being in the world. S.O.S sign to the seal, where are you now? We do desperately need them today, manipulation of the navy seals duty’s order papers. I am confused, disconnected alls and a start over a new group, let’s play correctly honest and a giving a loss score to the fundamentalism groups. We lived around the industrial automobile’s town. Sometime in the middle of midnight, under hood of the moon light, a shadow of six deathly mans walked around the huge stall of cash apparatus. Whale is dancing with Gyahumanis style and thousand of freonmentalis’s fish is walking a round corealna doimaju the platatiosium of a true gymaytoezy. In full of the mammalizationelium frostier salolidater embrionatione. Democracy of full a mentalist down syndrome. As like as big nation, gathering hypo rations level of nuclear detechnazioner naturism, drainer wash of shit of the richer people. Demo crater is eating the bull shit of a global and national of the peoples, who don’t look like of the wired patriotic but just slavery of hard labor in deed so shameless to appear from the mighty God’s eyes. Who was killed of a famous person? “The pair of gloves” Gabriel said by 3 times.

Keep up with crystal information, always like to be with yours.

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